Tin Ma Ma Htet (Tess)

Tin Ma Ma Htet (Tess)

Tin Ma Ma Htet, also known as Tess has been working for educational development of schools all over Myanmar. She supports holistic development of school including training and coaching teachers, principals, parents and community member as part of her education charity organization, Sayarma Foundation. Throughout her life, she spent volunteering and sharing her knowledge on education and teaching with wide variety of people in Myanmar because she believes that the bigger positive impact she has for people, the higher life value she has. 

Her love for educating people, passion in storytelling, belief in positive thinking and value in bring positive impacts into people, motivated her to join Positive 100 days initiative and keep on going until now. She learnt about herself more while planting the seeds of positivites in her life and her community. She is on her way to 300 Positive days and many more awaits.